Tuesday, May 6, 2014

REVIEW: Beer is Awesome (You Know, For Your Hair)

Who here loves beer? I do, but it turns out my six-pack of Newcastle Brown has some extra benefits! I read an article this weekend by AllWomenStalk about this beer and egg yolk hair mask, recommended for fine hair. Apparently beer contains lots of nutrients and the ability to bring your hair bounce and verve.

Well, the purpose of #reviewsdaytuesday is to go boldly forth so I can report back and stop you whipping a shot glass full of beer into an egg like some kind of intervention-worthy omelette and then pour it over your head if it is all going to be in vain. I took one for the team and spent half an hour on Sunday with a plastic bag over my head, unable to be taken seriously and smelling oddly sweet. Sometimes you just have to champ it out.

The recipe was originally only meant to include an egg yolk, but I've read that a whole egg by itself can help strengthen hair, so I thought while I was already experimenting, I'd skip separating the egg and just crack it into a measuring cup with 1/5 cup flat beer already in. Then I whipped the mixture with a fork, briefly wondered whether scrambling this might actually taste alright or be socially acceptable, and took the plunge. I used my hands to spread it all through my damp hair just like you do when shampooing and promptly wrapped my head in a plastic grocery bag.

The AllWomenStalk article recommended allowing the mixture to sit in your hair for half an hour, so that is just what I did, with my cat on my lap pondering the odd behaviours of humans. The smell was not unpleasant (kind of sweet, almost on the verge of being cloying), but not very strong, so I had no problem waiting.

I noticed a difference in how my hair felt as soon as I got in the shower to shampoo the mask out of my hair. (Tip for the pros: use cold water to avoid cooking the egg in your hair. This can happen. While technically cooked, the egg is inedible. It's basically a lose-lose situation.) It felt much thicker, like there was all of a sudden more hair I was shampooing. I was really excited to blow dry and see if the results carried through to my dry hair, and I am pleased to report that my hair felt healthier than before I poured beer all over it. My natural waves had more definition and my hair was shinier. I don't all of a sudden have Jennifer Aniston's lush tresses, but my hair feels and looks thicker and glossier than before, so on the whole, if you don't mind pouring out good beer on your hair and you have half an hour to spare, I recommend this hair mask! With only two ingredients, it's simple, and you can use the half an hour to catch up on reading (or writing a guest post for us!)

Did you try the beer-and-egg mask? Did it work for you? Share with us in the comments!

Want to write for us? Tweet the editor @CaleighCross!

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